On November 20, 21 and 22, 2024 we will hold the 19th CICAE Benchmarking and Education Meeting at Los Sauces European Private School (Torrelodones and La Moraleja).
A school that is a benchmark of educational excellence thanks to its almost 40 years of experience: “The promotion of human values, the development of work and study habits, coexistence and respect for individual beliefs have become the principles of our educational model”.
Participants in the meeting will have the opportunity to learn about their day-to-day work in the classroom, the educational projects they develop and good educational and school organization practices .
“Working with enthusiasm, fostering a work culture, promoting the mastery of languages and instilling in each student an education in values that contributes to both their human and professional development. This is the basis on which Los Sauces’ work philosophy is based”, Los Sauces Private School.
On the previous day, June 20, a monographic conference on people management and Human Resources will be held.
During these meetings, a valuable collaboration network is established and there are spaces and times to exchange impressions and reflect on how to transfer these learnings and inspirations to their centers.